Essays & Media

Questioning 'Coddiwomple'

Questioning ‘Coddiwomple’

Lucy Jackson
EyeContact, October 2017

If a Tree Falls

If a Tree Falls

Hugo Robinson
Critical response to the exhibition 'If a Tree Falls', 2016

Transparent Ideas

Transparent Ideas

Adrian Gebers
Critical response to the exhibition 'The Emperor's New Clothes', 2015



PAULNACHE presents... 'JAMES R FORD, Jeopardy', 2015

Something or Something Else

Something or Something Else

PAULNACHE presents... 'JAMES R FORD, Something or Something Else', 2015

Starting from scratch

Starting from scratch

Tom Cardy
The Dominion Post, NZ, 10th December 2014

Work, rest and play

Work, rest and play

Martin Patrick
Art Collector, Issue 69, July - September 2014

Redbush and Milk

Redbush and Milk

Ali Ikram talks to James R Ford on Nightline, TV3 (NZ), 2013

What do you want?

What do you want?

Matilda Fraser
Critical response to the exhibition 'Status Quo', April 2013

Things in your life that are worth throwing up

Things in your life that are worth throwing up

Mark Amery
Written on the occasion of announcing the winner of the inaugural Tui McLauchlan Emerging Artists Award 2013

A Tweet a Day - a response from the ground up

A Tweet a Day – a response from the ground up

Lucy Schrader
The Future is Curatorial!, 2010

Re: Don't forget your first question...

Re: Don’t forget your first question…

Jeremy Booth and James R Ford
Enjoy Gallery publications, 2010